Igreja Internacional de Cristo em Angola - IICA
Church of Christ

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Líderes da igreja

Juju Araujo & Judia Rodrigues

Administrador da igreja

Branca Lemos



Rua do Paiva nº1, Luanda, Angola

Tempos de serviço

Seg, Ter, Qui
Sex - Sáb

Fatos do país

Capital: Luanda

Código de discagem: +244

Moeda: Kwanza angolano

Língua oficial: Português

Notícias de Angola

Young people having fun on a beach.
Por Judia Rodrigues 4 de dezembro de 2024
Highlights of 2024 from the church in Angola included baptisms, a missionary trip by campus students to Benguala, churchwide collective dates, their first youth camp and "Bible Olympics" for new followers of Jesus.
Women at retreat in Angola.
Por Vida Li Sik 15 de março de 2024
The sisters in the Angola church held a women's retreat last month. Sixty-six women met from 7-10 March for a time of rest, teaching, and great fellowship. The theme was “Through the eyes of God” and Dr. Deanne de Vries was the guest speaker.
16 de outubro de 2023
Jack and Esperança were both pastors in a Pentecostal church with about 70 members until they met brothers and sisters from the church in Luanda through one of their members who was studying the Bible at the end of last year. They decided to show their repentance by their deeds and got married to become true followers of Jesus. Their daughter, Claudia, followed in their footsteps soon afterward.
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