A Wedding and Baptisms

October 16, 2023

Jack and Esperança were both pastors in a Pentecostal church with about 70 members until they met brothers and sisters from the church in Luanda through one of their members who was studying the Bible at the end of last year.

Jack was so amazed by what this member shared that he decided to study the Bible, and his wife joined the studies shortly afterward. They showed great humility as they realised that many of the things they were doing were far from the scriptures. Consequently, they decided to repent and even stepped down as pastors in their church.

Jack and Esperança were also convicted by the scriptures to repent and get married, and they eagerly took that step for the sake of their relationship with God. So on Wednesday, they got married, and on Thursday they got baptised and made Jesus Lord of their lives.

Jack appealed to his former church members to also study the Bible, and currently six of them have been baptised so far. One of them is Jack and Esperança's daughter, Claudia.

Please keep praying for them and for those who are still studying the Bible. And to God be the glory!


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