Botswana Church Celebrate their 30th Anniversary

Rapula Malejane • October 30, 2023

Joyeous celebrations...

Enjoying a great worship service

What an amazing weekend it was, when the Botswana International Church of Christ celebrated 30 years of loving God and loving people. Over 100 brothers and sisters came with their children to Gaborone from Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Namibia, and Mozambique. We thank our brothers and sisters for your support.

The theme of the celebrations was "One Love".

On Friday night, we looked back at the last 30 years, and John Maleya (who leads the church in Lusaka, Zambia) encouraged us with a great message.

On Saturday, we were taught by Mfundo Nondala (leader of the Central-East region of the Joburg church) about taking care of each other in the present. Also teaching that afternoon were Phumla Khalo, Thabani Mashava, and Themba, and Zama Xulu inspired the youth toward a great future.

During Sunday's message, Mpho Khalo (leader of the Soweto region in Joburg) helped us look forward into the future.

The worship was very inspiring. Thanks to the worship members from our sister churches in South Africa and in Zimbabwe. Our region is due for a region-wide worship conference.

The food was amazing and plentiful. The members of the local church did totally great by donating food items and other things. Thank you also to the Gaborone North Ward Development Committee, and the Mayor, for donating food items.

  • Worship leaders

  • Great singing and rejoicing

  • Leader of the church in Gaborone, Rapula Malejane

    Rapula Malejane

  • Songleaders came from South Africa and Zimbabwe

  • Dancing before the Lord

  • Outdoor meeting.

    Saturday class.

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