Women's Retreat in Angola

Vida Li Sik • March 15, 2024

"Through the Eyes of God"

Women at retreat in Angola

The sisters in the Angola church held a women's retreat last month. Sixty-six women met from 7-10 March for a time of rest, teaching, and great fellowship. The theme was “Through the eyes of God” and Dr. Deanne de Vries was the guest speaker.

Deanne De Vries is a dear friend of the churches in Southern Africa, and her love and support of the sisters is highly appreciated.

The retreat offered the sisters a break from their usual work and family responsibilities and they enjoyed connecting with God and each other. And  even though their economic situation is challenging, the women expressed the desire to meet like this regularly.

What is very encouraging is that four women who came out to the first retreat two years ago-Elizabeth, Cristina, Jennifer and Helen decided to make Jesus the Lord of their lives and were baptised since then.

"We had a lot of positive feedback. The women expressed how they felt inspired and convicted. We'll continue praying to see what God will do according to his will," said Judia Rodrigues Rodrigues Judia who leads the women in Angola.


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