Chefs d'église

John et Jane Kilaha

Administrateur de l'église

Linda Nangwale Mwilwa

Nous contacter


Terrain L / 2021 / M / B, au large de Leopard's Hill Rd, Lusaka, Zambie

Heures de service

Lun, Mar, Jeu
Ven - Sam

Faits sur le pays

Capitale: Lusaka Indicatif: 260 Monnaie: kwacha zambien Langue officielle: anglais

Nouvelles de la Zambie

par Vida Li Sik 20 septembre 2021
John and Jane Maleya lead the church in Lusaka, Zambia. They were baptised in 1991—three days apart—and didn’t know it. John became a disciple on 7th of July and Jane on the 10th, but they only discovered this on their first date five years later.
par John Maleya Kilaha 8 mars 2021
In Lusaka, Zambia, Peace Mwitwa, known as Ba Mayo—translated as “our mother”—is someone who presses on and perseveres through the painful challenges of life. She’s such an inspiration. THis is her story:
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