Église du Christ de Maurice

Visitez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux

Chefs d'église

Marie-Claire Ng Cheong Wong

Administrateur de l'église

Erick Li Sik

Nous contacter


We meet at the house of a sister in Quatre Bornes.
Corner Ave Des Capucines & Ave Des, Goyaviers, Quatre Bornes

Heures de service

Lun, Mar, Jeu
Ven - Sam

Faits sur le pays

Capitale: Port-Louis

Indicatif téléphonique: +230

Monnaie: roupie mauricienne

Autres langues: 84,0 % créole ; 5,3 % de Bhojpuri ; 3,6% français ; 7,1% Autres

Nouvelles de Maurice

Photo collage of Thabani Mashava
par Vida Li Sik 30 janvier 2025
Four months since his appointment as the first biblical teacher in our Zimbabwean family of churches, Thabani Mashava is enjoying his role in fostering spiritual growth among believers in Harare and the rest of the Southern African region of churches. His teaching centres around an African context.
Breaking ground for a missions hall.
par Kedibonye Malejane 9 décembre 2024
The Botswana International Church of Christ hosted its first Swamp Camp, had a groundbreaking ceremony for a missions hall, revived teen Bible Discussions and hosted a marrieds retreat.
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