For the Joy of Serving

Vida Li Sik • May 19, 2021

Our story: Drs Geoff and Granny "Magran" Setswe 

It is normal, as you get older, to start thinking about retirement. But not Drs Geoff and Granny “Magran” Setswe. Like Caleb in the Bible, they are still as “vigorous for battle” in their careers and life as disciples as when they first started out. Geoff is a professor of Health Studies at Unisa, while Granny earned her PhD in 2020. The dynamic duo has been married for 33 years, and they have two daughters (Boipelo and Kitso). The couple became disciples of Jesus 24 years ago. Geoff (59) and Magran (54) and, together with Phillip and Esther Modise, are part of the future planting of the church in Rustenburg (North West Province). They share their spiritual journey thus far:


How did you become members of the church?

Geoff: We visited the church in Pretoria once before I left for the USA to take up a Fulbright Scholarship at Temple University, Philadelphia, from 1996 to 1998, where I completed a Master’s degree in Public Health. My wife stayed behind in South Africa and started studying the Bible with the neighbour who’d invited us to church, and she became a disciple in October 1996. She visited me from December to January, and we went to her new church in Philadelphia. I liked it, and after she returned to South Africa, I studied the Bible with the lead evangelist for Philadelphia at the time (James Campbell) over a period of three days and was baptised that week.


Granny: My husband and I were looking for a church after we moved to Pretoria. I studied the Bible for three months after my first visit. God’s timing is always perfect; and the rest is history. My relationship with God grew through discipling and impactful sermons.


What are some highlights for you during the last 24 years?

When I (Geoff) returned home in 1998, we became Bible Talk leaders in the north of Pretoria, and led the Soshanguve ministry in 2002; we also served in various capacities in the Marrieds and Youth & Family ministries. We introduced premarital counselling for couples, monthly devotionals and marriage retreats. We also helped develop the Youth and Family Ministry in Pretoria around 2014.

How did the fellowship in Rustenburg come about?

Both of us originate from the Royal Bafokeng community in Rustenburg and our plan was to return home on retirement. Vision 2020 identified North West, Mpumalanga, Free State and Northern Cape as provinces that needed a church planting. We bought a farm in Koster near Rustenburg in 2015 in preparation for the mission work. The leaders of the Tshwane church, Themba and Zamalinda Xulu, asked us to consider going on a mission. We accepted the Rustenburg mission challenge in 2019, and the Modise family joined us. Granny and Esther are currently studying the Bible with two women from the area.

The team involved with the work in Rustenburg (above) and one of the services they hosted (below).

What are your spiritual dreams?

To build an interracial and vibrant Church of Christ in Rustenburg and to build leaders who make disciples of all nations in the North West province. To also build strong Youth, Family, Singles and Marrieds ministries in Rustenburg.


What scriptures do you cling to when times are tough?

Geoff: At my baptism, I asked James to read Psalm 128. It remains my favourite scripture.

Granny: The book of Psalms is where I draw strength from when times are tough specifically Psalm 46. This psalm gives me hope and strength because God is my refuge and always ready to help me in times of trouble.


What is your encouragement to disciples struggling in their faith right now?

Geoff: Psalm 128:1: Blessed are those fear the Lord, who walk in His ways (NIV).

The fear of the Lord and a relationship with God is supreme – it is above man-made challenges.

Granny: God is omnipresent. Psalm 16:8. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. (NLT). God is present everywhere for everyone who seek Him in truth.

Please continue praying for open doors in making God known in Rustenburg.

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