Igrejas da África Austral de Cristo

All the churches of Christ send greetings

Romans 16:16



É plantar e estabelecer igrejas prósperas em todos os 12 países da África Austral até 2020. Este é um trampolim para realizar nosso sonho de estabelecer uma Conversa Bíblica a uma curta distância de todos os africanos.

Últimas notícias

Igrejas de Cristo da África Austral

Women at retreat in Angola.
Por Vida Li Sik 15 mar., 2024
The sisters in the Angola church held a women's retreat last month. Sixty-six women met from 7-10 March for a time of rest, teaching, and great fellowship. The theme was “Through the eyes of God” and Dr. Deanne de Vries was the guest speaker.
Collage of young people getting baptized.
27 dez., 2023
While there's no surefire way to ensure your child's journey toward loving and following Jesus, we've spoken to parents of teens and young adults who've recently found their faith. They graciously shared family habits and spiritual practices that made a difference. Here's what they had to say:
01 dez., 2023
The Tshwane Icoc bid farewell to Themba and Zamalinda MaCebekhulu Xulu as they stepped out of the full-time ministry after decades of service to start a new life adventure in Kwazulu-Natal.
Por Justin Renton 30 nov., 2023
In 2006 Irene and I were asked by Oneychi & Deysi, the leaders of the Joburg church, to take on the task of leading the Southern African Family of churches.
Thandie Machoe
Por Vida Li Sik 18 nov., 2023
Thandie Machoe is in her second of a three-year programme in the Southern Africa School of Missions (SASM) and enjoys serving in the campus ministry in Maputo, Mozambique. She shares about her experience and what she’s learnt so far:
Por Sophie Mandudzo 07 nov., 2023
At the end of October, the Harare International Church Of Christ celebrated International Children's Day (20 November) earlier than usual with a special service focused on the children in the congregation. The children participated fully, from the song leading to the communion message. Afterward, there was plenty of fun, food, fellowship, and tons of games.
Botswana Church Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Por Rapula Malejane 30 out., 2023
The Botswana International Church of Christ celebrated 30 years in Botswana. Over 100 brothers and sisters came with their children to Gaborone from Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Namibia, and Mozambique. We thank our brothers and sisters for your support. The theme of the celebrations was "One Love".
16 out., 2023
Jack and Esperança were both pastors in a Pentecostal church with about 70 members until they met brothers and sisters from the church in Luanda through one of their members who was studying the Bible at the end of last year. They decided to show their repentance by their deeds and got married to become true followers of Jesus. Their daughter, Claudia, followed in their footsteps soon afterward.
Richard and Sarah Allawaye  encouraged the church in Harare, Zimbabwe
09 set., 2023
At the end of August, the church in Harare, Zimbabwe, enjoyed an awesome mini-conference from Friday to Sunday with guest speakers Richard and Sarah Alawaye. Day One kicked off with lessons on how Satan can make us feel like God is holding out on us. On Day Two, the couple had a combined morning session with the Bible Talk leaders, and separate classes for the men and women in the afternoon. The weekend culminated with a Bring Your Neighbour Sunday service with a powerful lesson, Heaven is the Goal.
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