Dr Mark Ottenweller recently led a diverse group consisting of empty nesters and retired individuals from the US, known as the Visions & Dreams team to teach and serve in the Johannesburg church. The team of volunteers conducted parenting and grief recovery workshops for members of the church, and then served in HOPE worldwide South Africa's early childhood development programme.
The selfless group had barely landed before they were roped in to work, and taught Sunday sermons in the series, Christ @ Work: Bringing Jesus into the Workplace. Dr Ottenweller taught the first class, and the second was taught by Michael Rowell and Dr Lisa Wigfall, a week later. This trio also conducted a grief recovery workshop, and shared their rich vault of knowledge and experience with the parents in the church. This included classes for various age groups ranging from young children to teens.
The team took time to learn from and support HOPEww SA's early childhood development programme. They visted the households of parents and caregivers in the programme, and listened to firsthand accounts of persevering under severe challenges. The Visions & Dreams team also provided training on leadership and monitoring & evaluation.
We are thankful for the Visions & Dreams team for encouraging the church in such an amazing way!