Unsung hero: Andrew Moage

Vida Li Sik • September 19, 2021

Focus on the songleaders who help us sing.

Let's give honour to some of the unsung heroes behind the scenes who worked hard to put together worship songs over the last 18 months. First up, is Andrew Moage, from the church in Tshwane. Andrew was baptised in 1994, and joined the worship team in early 1995.

What was this last year was like for the worship teams?
I never imagined a day where we'd need to record our music for the church service. It really was a challenge because we were never prepared for such. 

What do you enjoy most about being in the worship team?
I just love the idea of creating music. In as much as we sing existing music written and composed by other people, there is so much that goes on behind the scenes to prepare for an engaging time of worship. The type of singing we do is very intricate—there are many elements that comes with putting together an inspiring worship experience that will be inclusive to as many as possible. 
What I enjoy most is that moment when we sing the church's favourite song and you can see most disciples engaged with the song, where people are visibly taken to places where only they can be emotionally.

Is there a scripture that encourages you to sing and worship?
John 4:24 says, "For God is spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." What this scripture does for me is take away the burden and sense of responsibility I carry with delivering an inspiring worship experience. This scripture says to me 'just come to God as you are, no pretence, no perfection, no worldly expectation, but in truth, and led by the spirit'. So that's why sometimes worship leaders feel like the system of church can stifle the guidance of the spirit. "In truth and in spirit" sounds to me like 80% spontaneous and 20% planned. That's authentic!

How difficult has it been to put together songs during the pandemic?
It's been difficult because we had to move from live worship to recordings. Our culture and systems have always been geared for live music as well as physical interactions with all members involved. Most members were not in a position to participate in the recordings because of a lack of capacity (resources, knowledge of the use of technology, etc).

Well, we are all excited about the prospect of meeting again for in-person services and being led by worship leaders like Andrew, and many others around our churches in Southern Africa.

Andrew with Sbu Mauze and Mokgheti Tshabalala (in the middle).

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