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Prayer requests for Southern African Churches of Christ
Justin Renton • August 7, 2019
The Southern African Regional Family of churches
currently has 21 churches in 12 countries. Only nine of these churches have full-time staff; volunteers who hold secular jobs lead the rest. Our vision is to plant and establish thriving churches in all the 12 countries of Southern Africa by 2020. This is a stepping stone towards fulfilling our lifetime dream of establishing a Bible Talk within walking distance of every African.
We’d like to ask to keep the different churches in your prayers in the following areas:
1. Fruit from conference
The Southern Africa conference was held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from June 14-16. The church hosted a successful conference, and their prayer is that the nation of Zimbabwe find solutions in God and not the economy or politics during these turbulent times.
2. Reconstruction of church in Nacala, Mozambique
In 2018, Elias and his wife, Angelina, were baptised in the town of Nacala, in northern Mozambique. The couple lead nearly 800 potential disciples. Pray for the efforts of members of the church in Maputo, who travel to Nacala to study the Bible with men and women from the church, and to shepherd the new brothers and sisters. At this stage 20 people have been added to God's family.
The church in Johannesburg is over 30 years old and the SA churches have no elders or teachers. Please pray for our goal of appointing elders and teachers in 2019/2020.
4. Planting a church in Bloemfontein, Free State, in 2020. Bloemfontein is the judicial capital city of South Africa and has a population of just over 2.7 million people.
5. Grief Recovery – Cape Town, South Africa
(www.ctcoc.co.za) Over 60 members in the church lost family members last year and four disciples lost loved ones in the month of May. They need prayer to deal with their grief.
The church in KwaZulu-Natal is looking for a brother to serve in the ministry on campus and with the young singles ministry.
7. New venue – Windhoek, Namibia The church is looking a new venue to meet; at a great location and at a reasonable cost (venue rental fees in the city are exorbitant). The venue should also be able to accommodate their children’s ministry. Please also pray for them to find full-time church leaders.
8. Raising up next generation and growth – Madagascar
(www.facebook.com/groups/icocmada): The church of 24 members would love to raise up the next generation of disciples and have another church outside of the capital, Antananarivo.
9. Special Contribution
in the different churches. Please pray that each church would meet their goal and that the money can be used for new missions to be established.
Four months since his appointment as the first biblical teacher in our Zimbabwean family of churches, Thabani Mashava is enjoying his role in fostering spiritual growth among believers in Harare and the rest of the Southern African region of churches. His teaching centres around an African context.
The Botswana International Church of Christ hosted its first Swamp Camp, had a groundbreaking ceremony for a missions hall, revived teen Bible Discussions and hosted a marrieds retreat.
The church in Madagascar focused on deepening our relationships with the Fathee and one another. We delved into Bible study, and mentoring and hosted our third youth camp.