Our First Swamp Camp and Groundbreaking for a Meeting Hall

Kedibonye Malejane • December 9, 2024

2024 Highlights: Botswana

The Botswana International Church of Christ (BICC) has had an eventful and inspiring year in 2024, marked by a series of activities that strengthened its community and extended outreach. Some lives have been touched in special ways. One young lady summarised the year as, “having been incredibly eventful, with unforgettable highs and challenging lows, and throughout it all, I’ve witnessed God’s faithfulness”. Below are a few highlights:

Botswana Swamp Camp 2024 – as the year draws to a close, BICoC is ending it with a bang! Swamp Camp has finally made its way to Botswana, bringing together three countries, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Converging in the Mokolodi Game Reserve, just a few kilometres out of the Botswana capital, Gaborone, 24 members from the BICoC and three from Namibia received training from the South African team on how to run the camp. The camp director, Jake Graham explains the camp mission that brings together 43 campers from Namibia and Botswana as geared to “provide a safe space physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so that children can have fun and experience God.”

Marrieds retreat and devotionals – The church hosted a retreat for married couples. One couple had this to say about it: “In an era where marriage as an institution seems to be under attack from a wide range of fronts, most notably from people who tried it and failed, it is both humbling and

encouraging to be amongst couples who have been at it for quite some time, and seem to still be

going further afar. It is inspiring.” One sister shared that the marrieds retreat presented a highlight for her as it “helped us to re-think about our marriages and build them on the rock, that is, Jesus.”

Youth Engagement Programmes  - recognising the importance of nurturing the next generation, the BICoC heightened its youth programmes, by revitalising the teens Bible discussion meetings held weekly. A 17-year-old teen said, “This year the growth of the teens in terms of relationships with each other has been very encouraging. We weren't very comfortable with each other but the more we spent time together the more we bonded.”

Groundbreaking ceremony  –  The church was excited to receive the permission from local authorities to build a missions hall, which led to a momentous groundbreaking ceremony. The cherry on top was that he ceremony coincided with Botswana’s 2024’s HOPE Volunteer Corps, and the HVC participants from all over the world, also attended.

BICoC as a haven - While many cherished memories were created in 2024, someone got introduced to the church in 2024, said “the year had initially been the darkest, I was angry and hopeless for a meaningful life ahead. Mine is a testimony to say I found solace in the church family, they don't know it, but the warmth of their love revived me so much and drew me closer to personalizing the word of God.”

Check out the photos below:

  • Children arriving for church camp.

    Swamp Camp

    Write your caption here
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    Arrival of campers.

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    Breaking ground for missions hall.


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