You've visited southern Africa previously on shorter trips. What motivated you to come for an extended stay?
The seed for devoting our first year of joint retirement to live and serve in Africa was first planted when we visited Kenya in 2005. We made several more trips to East Africa in the years that followed, fell in love with the people, and saw many needs and opportunities to encourage both individuals and the churches. In 2014, we moved from Charlotte, NC to Columbia, SC. We were immediately inspired by the Columbia church's support of the southern Africa churches and the newly established Africa Missions Association. We travelled with Paul and Candy Ramsey in 2015, and visited several churches on a whirlwind trip to five congregations in southern Africa in less than three weeks. We returned with a larger group from Columbia in 2017, spent a week with the HOPE Compassion tour in Johannesburg, and then split into smaller groups, and each group spent about 10 days with one of the southern Africa churches. We became convinced that even longer stays would allow for developing deeper relationships and serving in a more effective way.