Attracted to Christ by Melodious Singing of the Church in Gaborone

Joyce Manase-Ntau • August 3, 2020
Joyce Chindu is a wife, mother of three, and now a disciple of Jesus as she was baptised in Gaborone, Botswana, on Sunday (2 August). The lockdown challenges posed by COVID-19 did not deter her nor the members of the Gaborone North family group. Those who could attend wore masks and observed all the health protocols during the ceremony, while others joined the celebrations online. 
It all started some time back, when Joyce (who is an English teacher) accompanied her husband to a meeting in Gaborone North. On their way home, they passed the venue where the Botswana International Church of Christ was meeting. Joyce says she heard melodious singing, and asked her husband if they could go and see where the singing was coming from. When they got to the church, they found a genuinely welcoming group of people whose company they enjoyed. 
That maiden visit to satisfy their curiosity quickly turned into regular visits to enjoy the singing and the congregation’s bonhomie. Joyce and her family quickly felt at home in the company of the members of the church.

In June this year, Joyce agreed to study the Bible with Peggy Mudimu, Norah Mawoko and Kedi Malejane. “Studying the Bible with Joyce was fascinating, as for the first time in our lives, we had to observe COVID-19 protocols such as sanitising as and when we got in and out of each other’s homes, wearing masks, social distancing, and keeping the meetings under two hours. When physical meetings were not possible, we used WhatsApp calls,” Norah shares.
And while Peggy expressed her excitement at being instrumental in helping Joyce develop and grow in her relationship with God, the new spiritual baby was elated. 
“I feel excited, relieved, safe, comfortable and confident in the Lord,” Joyce gushed immediately after her baptism. Now she looks forward to growing in her walk with God and her character.
The harvest is plentiful. Joyce was “invited by the singing” of the church, and the Lord did the rest. So let’s remember to give our best in whatever we do for the Lord –you never know what His plan is! 

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